Thanks man! Definitely took an inspiration from a ton of your writeups but that Connected Growth section was definitely the part I was most excited to write about and was the most unique to this writeup.
Good company right?? Came across more details and was pretty happy to hop on this ride. It's expensive but this combination of durability and growth is relatively rare.
Appreciate you reaching out Oscar! Let me know what you think about it when you go further.
I linked to your post and another one about MELI that the "Invest in Quality" Substack had just done for my links post for today:
Appreciate you linking my work! Thanks for the aggregation.
Great work man. The Connected Growth section is really well done. There’s fly wheels and then there’s MELI.
Thanks man! Definitely took an inspiration from a ton of your writeups but that Connected Growth section was definitely the part I was most excited to write about and was the most unique to this writeup.
Nice one, thanks for sharing!
Good company right?? Came across more details and was pretty happy to hop on this ride. It's expensive but this combination of durability and growth is relatively rare.
Appreciate you reaching out Oscar! Let me know what you think about it when you go further.
I added it to my Watchlist, thats a high praise already haha. THanks!